During the amsterdam Light Festival Intsituut Lichtontwerpen organises a Syposium on Light (art) in public space. It focuses on different functions of light in public space. Light gives people a feeling of safety, illuminated architecture supplies a nightscape with radiance, creates a comfortable atmosphere, and light-art provides identity to a public space or street or district.
Lightfestivals are a growing fenomenon. They boost the environment where they are held. For the periode of the festival the focus is at city’s nightscape and it attracts many spectators. Light is therefore an important economical factor in a community. During the Amsterdam Light Festival, which is held until January 19 2014, Intsituut Lichtontwerpen organises a Symposium on Light (art) in public space, on December 19, 13:30 – 18:30 +more in Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam.
Speakers (preliminairy – subject to change)
Henk van der Geest, Insituut Lichtontwerpen (moderator)
Felix Guttmann, director of Amsterdam Light Festival
Hans Akkerman – chief illumination dIVV Amsterdam
Ellen de Vries – lighting designer and artist Het Lux Lab
Isabel Nielen and Bastiaan Schoof – consultants and coördinators ALF
Rombout Frieling – OPEN LIGHT creative lab TU/e Intelligent Light Institute
Koert Vermeulen – lightartist at ACTdesign (OVO)
Optional extra program after 18.00: canal cruise waterroute / not included – illuminade walk optional, 19:30 -21:15 – Stedelijk Museum – discussions on light-art – optional not included ( canal cruise ends at Stadhouderskade near Stedelijk Museum)
Cost € 95,- incl VAT, souper, refreshments
Language of the symposium is in English
Please subscribe before or on dec 12 dec: simone@lichtontwerpen.nl
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